Accepting clients under 60lbs in Leander and Cedar Park
Groom Stars brings mobile grooming to communities around Austin Texas with over 13 years of experience. Give us a call today!

Groom Stars Austin is a professional mobile dog grooming service based out of Austin Texas that serves Cedar Park and Leander. With over 15 years of experience, we offer a wide range of pet grooming services. From nail filing and shed-less treatments to tooth brushing and dog baths, we provide full-service grooming services in the convenience of your own driveway!

Groomstars brings mobile grooming to communities northwest of Austin Texas with over 13 years of experience. Give us a call today!

No Cages
Your dog doesn’t wait around locked in a cage around barking dogs and buzzing clippers, wondering where you are and what’s going on.

No Driving
You don’t have to make two trips with your pet. Our mobile dog grooming van comes directly to you.

Personal Attention
Your dog isn’t part of a production line. There are no ringing phones or customers walking in to distract from the attention your dog deserves.